Some days you just need a little pep talk to get you through. This collection features six pep talks, along with a little note from me, to you. The perfect size to be folded up as a little booklet/zine for your pocket, to tuck into your wallet, added to a letter for a friend, or really, so much more. You can keep these little talks together, or cut them apart, but no matter how you use them, I hope they bring you joy and comfort.
You will receive one 8.5x11 digital print ready PDF of the pep talks, as well as an instruction sheet with links to step by steps and videos for folding the pages to use as booklets. This is for the third Pocket Pep Talk set only, please see the full set option to grab all of the first three releases together.
This is a digital product, and no physical goods will be shipped to you.